Woman sparks debate after choosing not to leave her daughter around men, including male family members

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A young mother is choosing to approach parenting in a pretty unique way, focusing her children’s autonomy and safety.

Despite facing criticism from others, she is sticking to her guns and is determined to uphold her unconventional parenting rules as her children grow.

Audrey, a proud mother of two, took to TikTok to share the parenting rules she follows , which some people may find unusual…

Never leaving her daughter alone with a male

Audrey’s top rule is non-negotiable: she says never leaves her young daughter alone with a male, even if they are family members. This means no sleepovers and no unsupervised interactions with male relatives. “I don’t care if you’re the grandparent, the uncle, or the cousin,” she said.

She mentioned that there is only one person she trusts 100% to care for her children when she’s not around, and that’s her own mother, who raised her.

Treating her kids equally

Audrey is committed to treating both her daughter and son equally. This means applying the same rules and expectations to both of them, including curfews when they are older. She firmly believes that respect should not be imposed on her children; instead, they should be taught to stand up for themselves.

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