Martha Stewart Admits She’s Wished Friends Would Die So She Could Date Their Husbands

1 minute, 16 seconds Read

The businesswoman was almost too honest in an interview with Chelsea Handler, saying she’s sometimes hoped a man’s wife would die — but “not painfully.”

There are some men Martha Stewart is dying to date. Problem is, she has to wait for some of her friends to die first.

The 80-year-old lifestyle mogul recently appeared on Chelsea Handler’s podcast and dished about two men she finds very attractive.

“I had two mad crushes in the last month, which is really good for me,” Stewart said. “But it turns out, you know, one of them is married to the mother of some friends of mine and I just — he’s so attractive.”

Handler warned, “You know, you can’t be a home wrecker.”

Stewart insisted she’s “never been a home wrecker” even when the opportunity presented itself.

However, she admitted that while she has no problems meeting men “they’re all married to friends of mine or something like that.”

Handler sympathized with Stewart’s situation.

“Well, it’s very difficult because I think there are certain ages we go through where it’s very tempting because you wanna believe that, ‘Oh, maybe this relationship that they’re in is temporary,’” she said.

Stewart was more blunt.

“Or maybe they’ll die,” she said. “I always think, oh gosh, couldn’t that person just die.”

“The wife?” Handler asked.

“Yeah! Not — not painfully,” Stewart said. “Just die … but it hasn’t worked out.”

You can hear the whole exchange below, starting around the 9:20 mark.

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