Mama Raccoon Surprises Couple She Regularly Visits With Rare “1 In 10 Million” Litter.

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When Amy Williams and her husband started to leave food outside of their house, it was intended for the stray cats in their neighborhood. Soon enough, though, the local raccoons decided that it was actually meant for them. Those that would visit were only there for the food, so they never stayed long. Well, almost all of them.

Even though most of them couldn’t have cared less about coming back to the Williams’ home, there was one raccoon who felt particularly at home there. Not only has she shown up multiple times, but she’s brought many visitors with her over the years.

This mama raccoon was not shy and would come right up to our back porch and stand on her hind legs as if begging,” Amy said. “I noticed her one eye was either injured or had never formed or something, so she was easy to identify. It wasn’t long before she showed up one night with four babies!”

And just like that, a new tradition had begun. For three years, this mamma raccoon frequently visited Amy with her little ones. Still, nothing could have prepared them for the surprise she brought them this year!

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