Deaf Baby Beams With Joy When She Hears Mom Say “I Love You” For The 1st Time

1 minute, 20 seconds Read

Little Charlotte was born completely deaf.

Her parents are still at a loss as to the reason – neither Christy Keane nor her husband has a family history of hearing loss and as Mom wrote on Instagram, nothing can really prepare you for such news. But the couple was okay with it. Their daughter was perfectly theirs.

The only sad part about the news was as Christy put it, “she never heard me tell her how much I prayed for her when she was in my belly, she never heard me welcome her into the world, she’s never heard me sing her to sleep-and the hardest to handle – she’s never heard me say ‘I love you.’”

But that all changed recently.

Since she’s just a few months old, Charly is still too young for cochlear implants, so doctors fitted her with hearing aids instead.


When Mom started talking to little Charly, her face lit up.

Then Christy got to say those three little words – I love you.

Tears started welling up in the little girl’s eyes, and it was clear she knew just how loved she really was.

Christy wrote on Facebook: “We had our miracle moment that I have been praying for when Char got her hearing aids today. We didn’t think she would hear anything so this was more incredible than I can put into words!” She explained on Instagram, “Imagine our surprise and delight when she gave us such heartfelt emotion.”

Watch this beautiful mother-daughter moment in the video below, and don’t forget to share to spread more smiles!

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