Camera Captures Newborn Horse Sneezing – What Happens is Hilarious

1 minute, 13 seconds Read

Babies are a bundle of joy. They bring happiness to everyone around them and they are also very entertaining as well. Babies of every species gain experience as they grow. Every day they learn something new.

They slowly go about figuring out life, and most of them actually learn by instinct. Human babies usually have their parents to instruct them, however, baby animals on the other hand, normally do things themselves.

Just take this tiny little pony for example. This little guy can already stand up and take steps within hours of being born! However, that doesn’t mean he has it all figured out. An adorable little sneeze showed him that he still has a lot to learn before he becomes as majestic as his mother.

The foal’s owner couldn’t help but record him as he hung out with his mother. It was too cute not to film. But then her camera managed to capture something even more precious.

Out of nowhere, the baby horse sneezes. But what caught everyone’s attention is his reaction. His response to his sneeze has left people everywhere in stitches. Wait till you see this for yourself! You are going to melt without a doubt!

Watch the adorable short clip below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!


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