Baby Wasn’t Able To Tell Parents About Cruel Sitter — But His Dog Could

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A 7-month-old baby couldn’t tell his parents about his cruel sitter’s abusive behavior. Soon, however, the couple started to receive messages from the family dog. When they did, they discovered a horrible reality.

When Benjamin and Hope Jordan moved to Charleston, South Carolina, they needed a babysitter for their infant son Finn, according to WCSC. After finding what they felt was a good fit at the time, they did their due diligence, going through the safe process of performing a background check. With all seeming good on paper, they decided to hire 21-year-old Alexis Khan, who had held previous babysitting jobs.

After hiring Khan to watch Finn in their home while they worked, the Jordans said everything seemed to be going well. They got along with Khan, who they described as a “personable lady,” but things slowly started to change. About five months into Khan working for the family, the Jordans’ loyal family dog, Killian, seemed to be trying to alert them to a problem.

The black lab and German shepherd mix was usually a docile and friendly dog, but his personality began to change drastically — but only when Alexis Khan came around Finn. “We noticed the dog was getting very defensive when Alexis was around,” Benjamin Jordan recalled, according to ABC News. “He would growl and stand between her and our son. His hair would stand up on the back of his neck and we knew something was up.”

With Killian growling and snarling at the babysitter, Benjamin and Hope couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very wrong. “He was very aggressive towards her and a few times we actually had to physically restrain our dog from going towards her,” Benjamin said, explaining why he and Hope were growing increasingly suspicious that something was wrong.

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